Our Team

Shari Noonan, CAE, CMP

Account Executive

Shari Noonan, CAE, CMP, serves as an Account Executive at SAM, where she serves multiple partner organizations by managing association operations and planning and executing conferences and events. 

Shari joined the SAM team in 2023 with more than 30 years of experience with associations and nonprofits that first started with Texas Academy of Family Physicians (TAFP). After six years with TAFP, she moved to Texas Medical Association (TMA) and worked on its Association Management Services (AMS) team, a full-service management department, for 25 years. There, she managed and served as Executive Director for several medical associations, including Texas Urological Society (TUS), Texas Chapter of American College of Cardiology (TCACC), and Texas Society of Pathologists (TSP).

Shari is originally from Austin, but now calls Canyon Lake home, which was a dream of hers for most of her adult life. She enjoys nature, hiking, and water activities. She is also an avid reader.

Partners: Collaborative Divorce Texas (CDT), Texas Chapter of American College of Cardiology (TCACC)

Family: Husband Allan, two grown sons Steven (with daughter-in-law Yustine) and Brian, granddaughter Alice ❤

Outside of work, I love... reading, the outdoors (hiking and camping, or rather, "glamping"), and the water (lake or beach—no preference, they both bring me joy). 

Assessments: Operator (Predictive Index)

What inspires me about working with associations: The volunteer leaders in associations inspire me to do my best. They are giving of their time and energy with nothing expected in return except to grow their society and help out their colleagues.

Favorite SAM core value: Practice empathy and stay curious. Although I don’t often automatically ask the right questions, I am interested in learning more about a person, a skill, a group, etc. That leads straight into empathy. I like to put myself in someone else’s shoes and work to see things from their perspective.